
Female Pelvis Ultrasound Scan

Pelvic Ovaries Uterus Ultrasound (Gynaecological)

Pelvic Pain?

Assess Ovaries, Uterus, Endometrium

Ultrasound is an excellent test for assessing the female pelvic organs.

Common causes for needing a scan are for pelvic pain, infertility, concerns about ovarian cysts or lumps, uterus, fibroids, endometrium, and vaginal bleeding.

External and Internal scans are performed by leading experts.

Your Scan Includes

  • Ultrasound with the Female Senior Specialist Sonographer
  • Explanation of your scan results
  • Written Report
  • High-Resolution Digital Scan Images
  • Any onward referral if needed
  • Senior Female Ultrasound Specialist
  • Lowest Fees in Wales – £240
  • No Referral Needed
  • Same Week Appointment

What does the scan involve?

The operator will use water-based jelly and a probe to visualize the pelvic organs. It is used for the ultrasound scan for ovaries.

External (Transabdominal)

The scan will first start as an external scan over the bladder which acts as a window to see the pelvic organs. You can go for a full gynecological ultrasound scan from our clinic.

Internal (Transvaginal)

If the external scan is not adequate, you will be offered the option of proceeding with an internal scan at no extra cost. In some cases, an internal scan would be required to better diagnose what is seen on the external scan.


There will also be a qualified chaperone present in the scan room along with the doctor. If you want an ovarian ultrasound scan, then contact our clinic for the appointment.

How do I prepare?

You will need a full bladder for the ultrasound. Try to drink 1 to 2 pints of water 30 minutes before your appointment time. If we need to do an internal ultrasound, we will ask you to empty your bladder in the toilets provided. Also, if you want private ovarian ultrasound, then you can get it done from our clinic.

Registered & Regulated

Our team is fully registered and regulated for practice in the United Kingdom. Our patients should expect nothing less.