Lump Ultrasound Scan
Worried about a lump or swelling?
A lump or bump anywhere on the body can be a source of anxiety because many cancers can present as a lump.
A lump that is new or increasing in size should not be ignored.
An Ultrasound scan is excellent at diagnosing most causes of lumps and is often the first-line test for most patients.
If you have a lump that you are worried about, have it diagnosed with our experienced consultant who specializes in this area. Skip the long NHS waits and get a scan booked this week.
If the lump requires any further assessment or biopsy, we will refer you to the appropriate specialist at no extra cost.
Your Scan Includes
What does the scan involve?
The doctor will use the ultrasound probe with a water-based jelly to examine the lump and assess its characteristics of the lump. The scan will produce images of the inside of the lump which the doctor will interpret and use to give a diagnosis. The procedure is not painful.
Due to COVID working practices, you can bring one person to accompany you in the scanning room.
There will also be a qualified chaperone present in the scan room along with the doctor.
How do I prepare?
Please dress appropriately to allow for easy access to the body part/joint being examined with ultrasound.