A blood test is one of the most common medical tests because it can provide information about your general health. Most people will require a blood test at some point in their life. In most cases, your blood test will come with precise instructions, including when to...
Millions of adults and children suffer injuries while participating in sports yearly. Although your sport significantly impacts the kind of injury you experience, some of them are so widespread that they can happen to almost any athlete. Being the top private GP...
Sports injuries are a common occurrence among athletes and active individuals. They can range from minor sprains and strains to more severe injuries such as fractures and ligament tears. If you have suffered a sports injury, getting a sports injury ultrasound is...
Your liver is a vital organ that plays a crucial role in the digestive process, metabolism, and detoxification of your body. It is essential to keep a check on your liver’s health with a private liver scan to ensure that it is functioning properly. One of the...
Infections after surgery are more common than many people realize. It was estimated in a survey that within 30 days, almost 3 out of 100 surgical patients develop an infection. In most cases, these infections occur at the surgical incision site and respond well to...